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摄影的本质是:把日常生活中稍纵即逝的平凡事物转化为不朽的视觉图像。摄影一词源于希腊语 φῶς phos(光线)和 γραφι graphis(绘画、绘图)或γραφή graphê,两字一起的意思是“以光线绘图”。因此,摄影工具也可以作为绘画的工具,从这个意义上讲,照相机是可以变得柔软的。当然,随着科学技术日新月异的发展,艺术与技术的边界被打破了,它们已经相互依赖并且很好地融合了,摄影作为艺术表达的空间现在已经变得很广阔了。

The essence of photography is: to change the ordinary, fleeting daily life into immortal visual images. The English word of "photography" dirives from the Greek word φῶ (phos) and γραφι (graphis) / γραφή (graphê), combined to deliver the meaning of "to draw with the light". So the tool of photography could be regarded as a tool for painting. Starting from this view, camera could become soft. With the development of the technology, of course, the boundary between art and technology has been broken down. They rely on each other and integrate with each other in a good way. The space for photography to be an art expression has been much larger.
